Delivering The Best In Oil Palm/Rubber Services
Our company has been in business since the year 1990 establishing quality results and building a group

Our Innovation
Our company has built a reputation of professional service through the innovation that we complete in
this industry. By ensuring that we can manage our clients land using the best in products, fertilizers and
labor we can deliver better growth yields.

Our Value
We want to deliver the most efficient labor and trading practises we can use to add value to your
business. By building a quality team of professional traders and the best in the industry for land
management, we can offer support for companies across Malaysia.

Our Quality Standards
Our quality standards are extremely high. We want to combine value with quality in every aspect of our
business. Although we started as a very small company, our quality assurance Department has not
faltered on it standards.
Please visit our service page today to see some of the top solutions we can provide. Check out the latest updates from our facility here!
Our Pillars Of Success
What make us be different from other and our success factor from beginning until today. We have create Hong Bee’s spirit and culture to treat our clients and serve their estate/farm as ours.
- 1Treat Customers Like Family
It’s our goal to make every client feel as though they are part of our family. From the first point of contact to your 100th order we want to be very inclusive and transparent business.
- 2Our Products
Our quality assurance department is extremely rigorous and we are consistently maintaining our standards so that we can deliver products which are produced using the newest and most efficient methods.
- 3Affordability
We want to make our distributed products as affordable as possible and this means consistently striving for creative ways that we can remain more efficient without compromising quality.
- 4Expansion
Like any company we have the hopes to expand. Our company now has over three branches with 40 different trucking routes for our customers. We plan on continuing expansion as we started with humble roots in the year 1990 and have grown to a company that now serves over 500 clients.

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Studied and investigate for the soil and crop behavior and condition before make the decision on management.
One whole service to take care for the palm oil estate included weeding, pruning, fertilizing, plasticizing and harvesting.
Dedicate corporate lorry and driver to help collect fresh fruit bunches(palm oil) from specific estate or location on time.
Trade the fresh fruit bunches and latex with the latest international rate that indicated by government.